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Shopify Headless (Hydrogen) SSO for E-commerce

Shopify Hydrogen is a React-based framework for creating headless storefronts. Shopify headless (Hydrogen) ecommerce allows you to create stores that are powerful, scalable, and secure.

Updated On: Oct 26, 2023

What is Shopify?

Shopify is one of the world’s most popular eCommerce platforms. It provides merchants with an easy-to-use platform for creating, managing, and customizing their online stores. Shopify recently announced the launch of its new integration with the open-source project Hydrogen. Merchants will be able to easily access and manage their financial data from within their Shopify store’s thanks to this integration.

What is Hydrogen?

Just when you thought there wouldn’t be another javascript framework, here comes another. This one is called hydrogen, and it’s a react-based framework for building custom e-commerce sites with Shopify. It focuses on server-side rendering, similar to the next. js, but it comes with a slew of predefined components and hooks for managing a storefront’s data and UI.

What is the point of hydrogen?

We already have the following. Both js and Gatsby have e-commerce templates, and Shopify already has tons of e-commerce themes. So, where does the hydrogen come in? If you’ve ever built an e-commerce site from scratch, you’ll know how difficult it is, which is why platforms like Shopify, Big Commerce, and Square Space are so popular.

At the same time, when you use a platform like that, your site tends to feel like a cookie-cutter template, and it can be difficult to customize it enough to break out of that. The cool thing about Shopify is that it has a graphQL API that allows you to use it without a browser. So, in essence, hydrogen provides a streamlined method for quickly launching a server-rendered frontend app that connects to your Shopify backend. In other words, it serves as a foundation for creating fully customizable storefronts.

What exactly is Headless eCommerce on Shopify? {Why-should-you-go-for-Shopify-Headless-Services}

Merchants will be able to access the Hydrogen API and its financial services directly from their Shopify stores thanks to the integration. This means that merchants can now integrate their financial data into their Shopify stores quickly and easily. Merchants can provide their customers with a more secure and convenient way to pay for their purchases by integrating with Hydrogen. Hydrogen services can also be used by merchants to track and monitor the performance of their financial products. The integration with Hydrogen is an excellent way for merchants to provide their customers with an improved shopping experience.

The front end and back end of a website are separated in a headless commerce solution’s architecture. Simply put, Shopify’s headless services separate an online store’s web storefront from its backend. The two layers will operate independently and communicate through APIs, giving the front end more customization options.

For all of your eCommerce needs, Shopify offers features like:

  • Checkout is mobile-friendly and supports a variety of payment methods, including Apple Pay.

  • Advanced system for managing orders and inventory.

  • Applications that are easy to download from the app store.

You might discover that some functionality or design options become less customizable as your business expands. However, over time you might come to realize that the Shopify storefront is insufficient for your needs.

You can use Shopify headless to accomplish the following objectives

  • You have more say in how your products are displayed.

  • The website and web page load quickly.

  • Greater adaptability and simpler content administration.

    Enhancing the capabilities of web stores, and headless opens up new possibilities. It significantly increases speed over the previous method and offers excellent user experiences based on a variety of data sources.


Why Choose the miniOrange Application for Shopify and Hydrogen integration?

  • Connecting multiple headless stores in shopify You can manage multiple stores from a single account using our application. Assume you have a Shopify store and have opened a new one. You can give the new store a name and select a store currency. Once the new store has been created, you can add collections, products, and other settings as needed. You can connect the stores using our Shopify Headless ecommerce sync app, which allows you to manage multiple stores from a single admin panel. This makes it simple to move products, customers, and orders between stores.

    You can also create a unified checkout experience so that customers can buy items from multiple stores in a single transaction. You can use our application to create a single checkout page where customers can buy from multiple stores.

  • Connecting headless with existing non-headless store If you already have a non-headless store, you can connect it to a headless storefront using the miniOrange Shopify headless (Hydrogen) eCommerce application. Our app will incorporate an API into your existing store. Our application can then communicate with the headless storefront and exchange data with it. Then, using our application, we can send data from the existing store to the headless store or pull data from the headless store into the existing store.

  • Connect the shopify hydrogen store with other platforms Shopify’s Hydrogen Store can be integrated with other platforms and services to create a seamless eCommerce experience for customers. This can be done using the miniOrnage Shopify Headless (Hydrogen) e-commerce application which allows you to connect your Hydrogen Store with other platforms, including payment gateways, shipping services, marketing automation tools, and more. By integrating Hydrogen Store with other platforms, you can make it easier for customers to buy, manage, and track their orders.

How does Single Sign-On (SSO) login work for Headless stores in Shopify?

Recently, Shopify added Hydrogen SSO as a new feature to their platform. With the help of this single sign-on (SSO) solution, retailers can access their Shopify stores from any location and on any device. Customers can log into their accounts with just one set of credentials thanks to Hydrogen SSO. Merchants can easily access their stores from any device, wherever they are, by using a single set of credentials. Having to remember numerous usernames and passwords for each store is made easier thanks to this.

The miniOrange SSO App connects to any Identity Provider that supports Standard Authentication Protocols such as SAML 2.0, OAuth 2.0, JWT, LDAP, and others. We enable users to authenticate and SSO into any Headless website built on Shopify Hydrogen or any Frontend technology such as React JS, Angular JS, Flutter, Gatsby, or Vue. The app receives the Identity provider’s response and sends a JWT token back to the headless website or the hydrogen framework-based store.


Key features of Shopify Hydrogen Integration

  • Single Sign-On Integration

Shopify users will have a seamless Single Sign-On (SSO) experience, allowing them to access any headless Shopify Store with their existing IdP credentials, providing an affiliated login experience with a one-time login.

  • Support for Frontend Platforms

Integrate Single Sign-On SSO into any Frontend Framework, such as Shopify Hydrogen (which includes support for the Shopify Storefront API), React, Flutter, Gatsby, Angular, and many others.

  • Attribute Mapping

Map user attributes from your Identity Provider to Shopify. User attributes such as first name, last name, and any custom attributes in your IdP should be mapped.

  • Short Code/Widget for SSO

We provide a shortcode that allows you to place your IdP button anywhere on your store to activate SSO. We can also customize your login widget to match your theme. Contact us at to have the widget customized specifically for you.

  • Multiple IdP Support

miniOrange offers Shopify Single Sign-On (SSO) integration with all types of Authentication Protocols such as OAuth 2.0, SAML 2.0, Open ID, JWT, LDAP, and others. Set up multiple IdPs for seamless Single Sign-On (SSO) login.

  • Fast Performance

Shopify Hydrogen is incredibly quick thanks to the GraphQL API’s quicker response time, React server-side rendering, and caching.

  • Easy Customization

Now that merchants have access to a powerful GraphQL API, they can construct and customize the entire front end to suit their needs. Third-party front-end integration functions flawlessly.

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