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Shopify Web3 Login using Single Sign-On (SSO)

Login to Shopify using Crypto Wallets like MetaMask, TrustWallet, Wallet Connect & enable Web3 based Login using Single Sign On-SSO for Shopify Plus & Non-Plus.

Updated On: Aug 9, 2023

Web3 is a concept to develop the decentralized web as internet 3.0 with the help of blockchain technology. This blog is written for everyone who wants to know how the Web3 concept will change the eCommerce world forever. Web3 is a completely decentralized network, utilizing peer-to-peer protocols. The network will enable users to interact with each other without having a middleman or central server in their architecture. This will allow people to retain greater control over their own data.

SSO into Shopify using crypto wallets - what is web3

How to login using Crypto wallets in Shopify and use cryptocurrencies for checkout without requiring to remember username and password.

Shopify as a leading eCommerce platform has embraced the latest technologies to make shopping easier and more convenient for customers. With the help of our Shopify Web3 Single Sign On Application, we enable users to login securely to the Shopify Store using Crypto Wallets like MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Wallet Connect QR code or any EVM Compatible Wallet and other Web3 compatible Crypto Authentication methods.

What is the need of integrating Crypto Login and accepting Crypto payments on your Shopify Store?

There are many cryptocurrencies, blockchain and decentralized applications that are attempting to get into the eCommerce business by creating new platforms or adding cryptographic payment methods to current ones. With this changing eCommerce world, don’t fall behind and let your business get affected by not accepting cryptocurrencies (soon to become the most common method of accepting payments online). Using our Shopify app integrate crypto possibilities like login and authentication using crypto wallets and enable payments cryptocurrencies via and more. The era of Crypto has just begun but it is always good to get an edge over your competitors and add such features for your store that can help in giving a better experience for your customers.

SSO into Shopify using crypto wallets - key features and need of integrating Crypto Login

Key features of the Web3 Single Sign-On Application

  • Seamless Single Sign-On Login

Securely Login using Crypto Wallets like MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Wallet Connect QR code or any EVM Compatible Wallet without having to wait for acknowledgement from the Service Provider. Crypto Login being the most secured method of authentication, doesn’t even require any access code or one-time password for the authentication process.  

  • High Availability

Our application is completely based on a decentralized technology which has a very high uptime as it is based on the Peer to Peer (P2P) protocol. Which is completely independent of the service provider’s server. Ensuring very high availability of SSO services.  

  • Blockchain Technology

Our application utilizes the most reliable yet most secure Blockchain Technology to secure your data. Take full advantage of our blockchain-based security which is a protocol that is virtually impossible to break. Your information will always remain safe and secure.  

  • Support for Multiple IDPs including Shopify as IDP

Enable SSO for users stored in different IDPs along with the support for Web3 Login. Our application support SSO for users stored in multiple IDPs along with the support for Cross Protocol i.e your Service Provider and Identity Provider can have different Authentication Protocols. You can also configure one of your Shopify Stores as an Identity Provider and enable SSO for users stored in that Store to other Shopify Stores or Websites in your business architecture.  

  • Enable One-Click Login

Enjoy benefits like one-click login without requiring reauthentication to all the SSO integrated websites/applications. Collect user’s information post login and automatically assign tags to users based on the CryptoWallet being used. Our application also supports SSO for Headless websites including Shopify Headless Stores, which allows users to purchase products and checkout from any headless website or headless store using their Shopify credentials. Map attributes like first name, last name, tags etc. from your IDP to Shopify customer profile fields.  

  • Simple and easy to use UI supporting custom requirements

does not require user onboarding hence minimizing the user authentication flow. With our clean UI easily set up the crypto integration with your Shopify Store in few minutes. We support all sorts of complex and custom requirements in our applications. Contact us at for any queries, requests or product demos.  

Additional Rssources

  1. Web3 Single Sign On (SSO) Login Solution for Shopify
  2. Shopify Single Sign On (SSO) Solution
  3. Checkout more security solutions for Shopify
  4. Checkout more about miniOrange as Identity Provider
  5. Click here to download the Shopify Single Sign-On App
  6. Click here to know more about Web3 authentication
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