In Search Users, you will be find a two option to delete a user account.
If you want to delete a user's account, you can enter their email in the "User Email" field and delete it.
In User Email field, enter your email address.
Click on Search.
In the SEARCH RESULTS you will get a user which you have delete it.
Next to User Email, enable the checkbox under Bulk Action, and select the Delete option from the dropdown.
Click on Apply.
Then, a dialog box will open where you can verify the user before deleting.
Click on Confirm Delete button.
If you wish to delete multiple users of a single customer, select the customer's email from the customer email dropdown and search it. You will receive a list of all users linked with that customer, from which you can delete numerous users at once.
In the Search Email section, select the Customer Email from the dropdown to delete multiple users associated with that customer.
Then click on Search.
In the search results, you'll get a list of all users added under that customer..
Select the check boxes for the users whose accounts you want to remove. Then, in the Bulk Action dropdown (to the left of the Apply button), select the Delete option and click the Apply button.
A popup window will open, displaying a list of all users you want to delete.