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Admin Registration

If you are accessing the site for the first time or have never registered on PAM, you will be redirected to the registration page.

Note - Please note that once you have registered the admin on PAM, you will no longer be directed to the Registration Page. Instead, whenever you visit the site, you will always be redirected to the Login Page.

On visiting registration Page -

Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: Visiting our Sign Up page

  • Enter the following details of the user :
    • Email - Provide the email address of the user.
    • Username - Provide the email address of the user.
    • Organization Name - Provide the name of your organization, this will be acting as a branding for all the URLs.
    • Password and Confirm Password - Provide the same password in both fields. Password specification are as mentioned below -
      • Password must be at least 8 character and not more than 20 characters
      • Must include at least one upper case letter and one lower case letter
      • Must include at least one special character and one numeric character
  • Upon clicking the register button and successfully entering the required fields in the correct format, you will be registered as an admin user and redirected to the login page.
  • In case of any issues with the information entered in any of the fields, a toaster message will be displayed on your screen explaining the specific issue.

When you successfully register and log in, you will observe that the roles section in the sidebar menu displays two default roles: CustomerAdmin and EndUserRole. These roles are automatically generated and made visible to you.

Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: After that displays two default roles like CustomerAdmin and EndUserRole

Within the sidebar, you will discover a section dedicated to groups. A default group will be automatically generated, and the registered user will be included in this group by default.

Privileged Access Management Admin Handbook: The default group is automatically generated