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Freshservice Provisioning & Deprovisioning

Freshservice User Provisioning allows to create account in a simplified way and link Freshservice users' account to their existing or new apps. Freshservice Provisioning automates user provisioning with their identities.

Provisioning saves time when setting up new users and teams, and also manages access privileges through the user lifecycle. miniOrange can create, read, and update user accounts for new or existing users, remove accounts for deactivated users, and synchronize attributes across multiple user stores.

Deprovisioning means deleting a user and removing their access from multiple applications and network systems at once. Deprovisioning action is triggered when an employee leaves a company or changes roles within the organization

The deprovisioning features increase your organization's security profile by removing access to sensitive applications and content from people who leave your organization.

Provisioning & Deprovisioning Scenarios

miniOrange provides solutions for all scenarios of provisioning, which includes AD Integration, LDAP Integration and automated provisioning for all External Applications such as Office 365, Google Workspace, Freshservice, etc

Follow the step-by-step Guide given below to setup Freshservice Provisioning

1. Setup Provisioning in Freshservice

    To install miniOrange Provisioning (SCIM) application from the App Marketplace in Freshservice :

  • Go to Admin > Apps > and search for MiniOrange Provisioning (SCIM)
  • Freshservice Provisioning

    Freshservice Provisioning

    Freshservice Provisioning

  • Click on Install
  • Enter your Freshservice domain and API Key and click ‘Configure’
    • Freshservice domain looks like : {companyName}.freshservice.com and can be seen in the url address bar
    • To get API key, go to profile settings and copy the API Key
    • Freshservice Provisioning

    Freshservice Provisioning

  • SCIM Url and a Bearer Token is generated if the Freshservice domain and API key are validated successfully.
  • Copy them and paste somewhere (they will be used in step 2) and click install.
  • Freshservice Provisioning

    Freshservice Provisioning

  • Navigate to minOrange portal and login into miniOrange Admin Console.
  • Click on Apps. It shows a list of all configured applications and option to modify them. Click on Add Application.
  • Upbeat Provisioning: Add Application

  • Under Choose Application, select Provisioning from the All Apps dropdown.
  • Upbeat Provisioning

  • Select Freshservice Sync application.
  • Freshservice Provisioning

  • Enter the SCIM Url and Bearer token, that was copied in the previous step, in their respective fields.
  • Enable required provisioning features from the "ENABLE PROVISIONING FEATURES" section, while configuring the application.
  • Target attributes are the attributes on Freshservice side which, for default attributes, are mapped to DEFAULT USER PROFILE ATTRIBUTES in miniOrange
  • Freshservice Provisioning

  • Click Save.

  • Go to Groups > Manage Groups and create a new Group for provisioning of users in Freshservice. You can find the steps here.
  • Go to Users > User List and create new users. Add created and/or existing users in the Group created before.

2. Create App Policy

  • Go to Policies >> App Login Policy from the side menu.
  • Click on the Add Policy tab to add a new policy.
  • Freshservice Provisioning

  • For the application field, select the application which you created in the above steps.
  • For the group field, select the group for which provisioning is to be enabled or simply select the DEFAULT group if provisioning is to be done for all users.
  • Provide the policy name. For the login method, select password and click Save.
  • Your configuration is now complete.
  • Now on assigning user to the group would automatically provisioning the user. However group assignment is not required if it is DEFAULT group.
  • Go back to Freshservice
  • Navigate to Admin > Requesters.
  • Freshservice Provisioning - Select Edit User

  • You should be able to see the provisioned users here.

3. Configure Custom attribute mapping

  • Following is the customer attribute mapping configuration table
  • Default/Custom miniOrange Attributes Description
    DEFAULT USER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE name.givenName First Name
    DEFAULT USER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE name.familyName Last Name
    DEFAULT USER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE emails[type eq “work”].value E-Mail Address
    CUSTOM USER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE emails[type eq “other”].value Alternate Email
    CUSTOM USER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE phoneNumbers[type eq “work”].value Work Phone
    DEFAULT USER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE phoneNumbers[type eq “mobile”].value Phone Number
    CUSTOM USER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:manager Manager
    CUSTOM USER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:department Department
    CUSTOM USER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE addresses[type eq “work”].formatted Address
    CUSTOM USER PROFILE ATTRIBUTE locale Locale (has to be language code Ex : en for English)
  • Custom attributes in miniOrange have to be first added as User Profile Fields (go to Users > User Profile Attributes) and then their values can be added for each user (User > User List > Edit Users). You can find the steps for that Here
  • Username will always be provisioned as email irrespective of the configuration in miniorange.

4. Add Users

  • Go to Users > Add User.
  • Enter the Users Details and the user will be created.
  • Freshservice Provisioning - add user

5. Update Users

  • To update user profile, Go to Users >> User List.
  • Select a particular user and in Actions dropdown select Edit.
  • Freshservice Provisioning - Select Edit User

  • Fill out user updated information and click on Save button.
  • Freshservice Provisioning - Edit User

6. Delete Users

  • To delete user, Go to Users >> User List.
  • Select a particular user and in Actions dropdown select Delete.
  • Freshservice Provisioning - Select Delete User

  • A pop up will appear in which click on Yes button.
  • Freshservice Provisioning - Delete User

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