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Single Sign-On (SSO) 
using OAuth

Get one-click access to all Cloud & On-Premise OAuth (Open Authorization) supporting applications with a single set of login credentials.

  Easy Integration with popular OAuth supporting apps

  OAuth SSO using your existing Identity Source (Microsoft Entra ID, Cognito, etc.)

  Customizable access policies for different apps

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Understanding OAuth

OAuth Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication framework that simplifies user access to multiple applications using OAuth 2.0. With OAuth SSO, users can log in to various platforms with a single set of credentials, promoting a seamless and secure user experience. It employs an efficient OAuth 2.0 flow, where users receive an OAuth token after successful authentication.
The OAuth server manages user credentials, while the OAuth client requests access to resources on behalf of users. OAuth SSO also supports OpenID Connect or OIDC tokens, enhancing identity verification. OAuth 2.0 Authentication in REST API ensures the security of API endpoints, safeguarding sensitive data.

OAuth 2.0, is the latest version of the original OAuth protocol. It has become the standard for most implementations due to its simplicity, flexibility, and enhanced security features. It defines multiple grant types (authorization code, implicit, client credentials, resource owner password credentials) that cater to different application scenarios.
Moreover, OAuth 2.0 has been widely adopted across various industries, including social media platforms, cloud services, and mobile applications, making it the go-to choice for secure authorization and access control.

The OAuth 2.0 flow involves four key steps:

  • OAuth Client Requests: The OAuth client (application) initiates the flow by requesting access to a user's resources via the OAuth server.
  • User Authentication: The user is redirected to the OAuth server, where they authenticate themselves.
  • Authorization Grant: After successful authentication, the user grants the OAuth client permission to access their resources.
  • Access Token Issuance: The OAuth server issues an OAuth access token to the client, representing the user's authorization. The client uses this token to access protected resources on behalf of the user.
The OAuth 2.0 flow is widely used in OAuth SSO, OAuth APIs, and even OAuth 2.0 authentication in REST APIs with support for OIDC tokens through OAuth OpenID Connect.

Features of OAuth SSO

Secure Authentication, Authorization & Access Control

Users can access multiple apps with one set of credentials with OAuth SSO, boosting productivity. It uses OAuth access tokens to keep sensitive info safe from third-party apps. Organizations can manage user access centrally through the OAuth server..

Flexible Integration, Better Collaboration & Higher Scalability

OAuth SSO supports easy integration with various platforms, applications, and APIs, and also supports identity federation. OAuth SSO can handle large user bases and high traffic without compromising performance.

Token-Based Security & Revocable Access

The token-based approach adds an extra layer of security, reducing data breaches. OAuth Access tokens issued can be revoked, allowing organizations to immediately terminate access in case of security concerns.

User Consent Control

OAuth SSO provides users with the ability to grant or revoke consent for applications to access their resources, giving users control over their data privacy. Hence, the user's consent is given priority, which builds long-term trust.

SAML Vs. OAuth: What’s the Difference?

Features SAML OAuth
Purpose Identity Assertion and Single Sign-On (SSO) Authorization and Secure Delegated Access with SSO
Use Case SSO for Web Apps Secure API Authorization and Access Control
Protocol Type Assertion-based Token-based
Authorization Scope User Identity and Attributes Limited Access to Specific Resources
Token Type SAML Assertion (XML) OAuth Access Token (JSON)
Identity Provider (IDP) Centralized Identity Provider May or May Not Involve IDP depending on the use
Resource Server (SP) Service Providers Rely on IDP for Authentication Independent Entities
User Consent User Consent For Authorization User Consent is Required
Usage Often Used in Enterprise SSO Commonly Used in API Authorization
Granular Access Control Well-suited for Identity Federation Can Be Used for Federation with OAuth OIDC

Pre-Built OAuth SSO Integration for popular apps

miniOrange as an SSO service provider has a wide network of 6000+ pre-built integrations. This helps your organization easily enable OAuth SSO for popular enterprise applications by just installing the plugin. Easily search integration for the favorite apps your business is using and enable seamless access for all your users.

Explore miniOrange Integration Catalog

Drupal Single Sign-On solution
Invision Single Sign-On Integration
Joomla Single Sign-On Integration
Oracle Apex Single Sign-On Integration
Qlikview Single Sign-On Integration
Rocketchat Single Sign-On Integration
tribe SSO solution
Wickr SSO solution
Wordpress SSO solution

Benefits of SSO

Boost Productivity    

   SSO solution helps employees and end-users quickly access their enterprise apps with a single click. This eliminates the inconvenience of managing, remembering, and resetting multiple passwords, thus improving productivity with higher conversion rates.

Pay As You Go    

   Tailor your subscription plan to your needs, get competitive pricing, and benefit from special discounts for educational and non-profit organizations.

Security Compliance    

   Security and Compliance factors enforce organizations to prove that they have taken adequate security measures to protect sensitive data. Single Sign-On (SSO) helps with regulatory compliance to meet data access and security risk protection requirements.

CHeck out SSO Benefits
    Reduced IT Costs

  Enabling SSO allows users to manage individual dashboards and self-reset passwords, which eliminates the necessity for IT support, saves admin time on password resets, and supports tickets to focus on more important tasks. This helps in reducing IT costs.

     Improve security posture

  SSO authentication ensures that only authorized users get access to sensitive data. With Single Sign-On you can implement password policies like Password length, complexity, restrictions on password reuse, session timeout and self-service password reset policy to strengthen security without holding up your users access.

     Scale as you grow

  miniOrange cloud-based solution and competitive pricing allow you to Choose your subscription plan based on current requirements, and then scale as you grow.

OAuth SSO Solution

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Al-Nahdi Logo

"Nahdi wanted to adopt SSO, and they were using Siebel CRM, but it didn't support any SSO protocols. Changing the entire CRM system and transferring data from one CRM to another is a time-consuming job....."

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