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Version 4.3.0

[Release date: 18th July, 2024]

New Features:

  • Bulk Operation Report and Notifications: A new report for bulk operation tasks has been added. Additionally, a toggle in product settings now allows users to enable or disable email notifications for these operations.
  • Custom Capabilities: The "Capabilities" section now includes custom capabilities that can be sent to your configured applications as sign-in response attributes.


  • Report Pagination: Pagination has been added to all reports in the report section for better navigation.
  • MFA Method Audits: Detailed audits have been added for all MFA methods.
  • Security Enhancements: Security fixes have been implemented for admin activities to improve overall system security.

Bug Fixes:

  • Custom Outbound Apps: Fixed issues related to editing custom outbound apps and creating them via superadmin.
  • Push Notifications: Resolved an issue where push notifications would fail when the phone was offline.
  • User Section: Corrected the display of the last logged-in date and time in the user section.
  • OAuth Token Endpoint: Resolved the bad request error in the PKCE flow at the OAuth token endpoint.
  • Authenticator Configuration Emails: Fixed an issue where Authenticator configuration emails were not sent to new users.