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Version 4.5.0

[Release date: 05th September, 2024]

New Features:

  • Password Reset Security: You can now customize settings to prevent users from reusing their last N passwords when resetting passwords, adding an extra layer of security.
  • OAuth Support for Provisioning Apps: Custom Outbound Provisioning Apps will now support OAuth as an authorization method, providing more flexibility in integration options.
  • Default MFA Method for Policies: Now you can configure the default MFA method in each application policy.
  • Attribute Transformation Operations: Added support for operations like contains, split, lowercase, append, etc. in the JIT for IDPs.
  • Group Membership APIs: APIs were added to add group membership to users.


  • New UI for Configured Apps: We’ve redesigned the Configured Apps page with a fresh new interface to improve usability and navigation.
  • Post-Logout URL Restrictions: We are enforcing restrictions on post-logout URLs that are not whitelisted for OAuth applications to increase security measures.
  • Capability to Allow Manage License: Added a capability to allow superadmins to manage licenses.
  • ID Token Validation: The introspection endpoint will soon support validating ID tokens, ensuring more robust security checks.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where SSO was not working for super-admin users when using customer admin's IDP.
  • Fixed an issue where the super-admin could not update a customer's company name.