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How to add a SCIM Server App

Steps to setup provisioning from SCIM supported app to miniOrange

miniOrange SCIM Server application is used for outbound provisioning using SCIM protocol. In outbound provisioning, A user gets provisioned from miniOrange to another application using SCIM protocol.

1. Setup SCIM Server application

  • Login into miniOrange Admin Console.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Dashboard applications

  • Click on Apps. It shows a list of all configured applications and option to modify them. Click on Add Application.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Add Application

  • Under Choose Application, select Provisioning from the All Apps dropdown.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Provisioning app type

  • Search for your application from the list, if your application is not found. Search for scim and you can set up your app via SCIM Server (Destination).
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Search SCIM Server

  • Enter the SCIM Base URL (Provisioning url) and Bearer Token of your Application and do the Test Connection.
  • SCIM Provisioning Configuration

  • You can add more attributes according to your requirements. (Optional)
  • You can enable the Provisioning Features option as per your requirement.
  • SCIM Provisioning: Configure attribute mapping

  • Click on Save.

2. Create Group

  • Go to Groups > Create Group. Enter the Group Name and click on Create Group button and the group will be created.
  • provisioning create group

3. Add Policy

  • In the Policies section, navigate to Add Policy tab.
  • In Select Application section, select the application you have created in step2.
  • In Configure Settings section, select the group you have created in step4 and enter the policy name with the required login method.
  • Click on Save button.
  • Provisioning Add policy

4. Add Users

  • Go to Users > Add User.
  • Enter the Users Details and the user will be created.
  • Provisioning Add User

5. Assign Users

  • Go to Groups.
  • Assign the users to the Group you have created in step4.
  • Verify that the users are assigned to the groups.
  • provisioning assign users

6. Deprovisioning the user

If you want to de-provision the user. Make sure you have the Add/Remove Group membership of User option enabled in your miniOrange SCIM server application, you can enable it by editing the application.

To De-provision any user you can either delete the user from the miniorange or remove the user from the group associated with the application.

  • Steps to remove a user from the Group
    • Go to the Groups section in the left navigation panel > Manage Groups.
    • Click on the Users field for the group, you have created previously.
    • Select the user you want to remove from the group.
    • Click on Select Action.
    • Select Remove from the Group.
    • Click on Apply.
  • Steps to delete a user in miniOrange
    • Go to the Users section in the left navigation panel > User List.
    • Click on the select option for the user you want to remove.
    • Click on Delete in the drop-down menu.