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User Impersonation

The miniOrange Impersonation feature is a powerful tool designed to enhance administrative control and troubleshooting capabilities. It allows administrators to securely impersonate end-users within an application or system, enabling them to view and experience the platform as the user would. This feature is particularly useful for diagnosing user-specific issues, providing support, and testing configurations without requiring the user's credentials.

By maintaining a secure and auditable environment, the impersonation feature ensures that administrators can perform these tasks without compromising data security or user privacy. Additionally, detailed logs of all impersonation activities are maintained to meet compliance requirements and foster accountability.

To use the impersonation feature reach out to idpsupport@xecurify.com to enable the feature on your account.

Follow these steps to impersonate the user:

  • Login into the miniOrange dashboard using Admin credentials.
  • Go to Manage and select Users >> User List from the left menu.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Go to Users and click User List

  • In the Users List, locate the user you want to impersonate. Under the Actions column, click on the Select link for that user and then choose Impersonate User.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Find the user which you want to impersonate

  • You will get prompted for two options:
    • Send Email: The respective user will get an email for approval from the user.
    • Grant Impersonation Access Directly: You’ll get access to impersonate that user directly by clicking on this button.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Open a prompt and choose an option

  • You can check the status by clicking on the Impersonation tab under the Users section.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: To check status, Click on Impersonation under users section

  • Now that you have access to impersonate the user, you can click on the "Impersonate" link for the respective user.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Click Impersonate

  • You will get prompted for Reason to Impersonate the user. Put the appropriate Reason for impersonation and then click on Impersonate.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Enter appropriate reason for impersonation

  • You will be redirected to the Enduser Dashboard of that user, where you can view and access all the applications available to them.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: Impersonation User Dashboard

  • You can click on Stop Impersonation link to stop the impersonation.
  • miniOrange Identity Platform Admin Handbook: On the Top, click on Stop Impersonation